Best Exercise for Hand Tremors
Hand tremors are a common condition among older people. It also occurs as a result of different reasons. Diseases like Essential tremor, multiple sclerosis, hyperthyroidism, and stress can all lead...
Essential Tremors and Anxiety
Anxiety affects people differently and can cause different symptoms, from nervousness and shaking to muscle tension. Anxiety can cause tremors and even worsen an already existing tremor. If you alr...
How The Steadi-Two Can Help Those With Essential Tremor
Although the symptoms that come with essential tremors are not life-threatening, they can be discomforting and affect the lives of sufferers. Despite research in this field for the past years, ther...
Essential Tremor Treatment
Essential tremor is a condition that causes involuntary movement in the body, and though it doesn’t have any threat to sufferers, it can be a very uncomfortable condition. There are several methods...
Supplement For Essential Tremor
Recent studies show that approximately 3% of the global population was affected by essential tremor in 2020. This translates to about 24.91 million people worldwide, indicating a significant preval...
Understanding Internal Tremors: How to Stop Vibration in the Body
Often described by individuals as a feeling of vibrations or internal tremors, internal tremors can be upsetting and uncomfortable. If you're wondering, "I feel vibrations in my body, what does tha...